【商業智慧】科技界的大佬們在喬布斯身上學習了什麼?What have tech giants learned from Steve Jobs?

科技界的大佬們在喬布斯身上學習了什麼?What have tech giants learned from Steve Jobs?







Tesla CEO馬斯克曾表示自己很希望有機會能與喬布斯交談。2018年,馬斯克在接受採訪時表示,他一直都很敬重喬布斯,尤其是其通過吸引頂尖人才和贏得員工忠誠度來發展蘋果的能力,這也是他自己一直努力去做的事情。

Many tech giants have sought inspiration from Steve Jobs. CNBC compiled what global tech leaders have learned from Steve Jobs.

  1. Bill Gates
    The relationship between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs can be described as a mix of rivalry and friendship. 30 years ago, Microsoft and Apple began their battle for the computer market, but Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were friends even before this. Bill Gates once said that Jobs had a talent for captivating audiences, especially when promoting an impressive product. He further called Jobs a "wizard at over-inspiring people", and pointed out, "Because I am also a bit of a wizard, I can see him casting his spells, and see how the audience gets mesmerized."
  2. Tim Cook
    Before Tim Cook became the CEO of Apple, he spent 14 years learning by Jobs' side. In 2019, Cook shared what he learned from Jobs during a speech, noting that "Your mentor might give you time to prepare, but can't get you ready," referencing a Jobs quote, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."
  3. Elon Musk
    Tesla CEO Elon Musk once expressed his wish to have had the opportunity to converse with Steve Jobs. In 2018, Musk mentioned in an interview that he has always held great respect for Jobs, especially for his ability to attract top talent and earn employee loyalty to grow Apple, something he himself strives to achieve.

編輯/製圖:Business Digest

