【商業智慧】Amazon創辦人貝索斯:在願景上要執著,但在細節上要靈活 Founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos: Be Persistent in Vision, but Flexible in Details

【商業智慧】Amazon創辦人貝索斯:在願景上要執著,但在細節上要靈活 Founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos: Be Persistent in Vision, but Flexible in Details

Amazon的創辦人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)曾言道:「在願景上要執著,但在細節上要靈活。」對於遠大的目標,我們應該持之以恆,而達到目標的方法和細節,我們應該靈活應對。


Amazon在推出第三方銷售業務前,經歷了好幾次失敗的嘗試,包括Amazon拍賣、zShops 和Amazon市場等。這些失敗並沒有讓貝佐斯放棄,反而讓他更堅定了發展第三方賣家業務的願景。

貝索斯一再證明他能為了堅守高風險的決定而承受短期損失,因為他堅信這些決定最終會為他的公司帶來長期收益。Amazon網路服務(Amazon Web Services)和Amazon Kindle都是他面對巨大壓力,仍然堅持下來並最終取得成功的例子。


Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, once said, "Be stubborn on vision, but flexible on details." For ambitious goals, we should persevere, while being adaptable in our approaches and details to achieve those goals.

This statement applies not only to his business philosophy but also provides great inspiration for our work and lives. Our vision is like the mountain we want to climb, while the details represent the paths leading to its summit. Each of us has our own mountain to conquer, and we should remain steadfast in our determination to reach the peak while being adaptable in choosing the right path. Even in the face of setbacks, we must be willing to adjust our strategies.

Before launching its third-party seller business, Amazon went through several failed attempts, including Amazon Auctions, zShops, and Amazon Marketplace. However, these failures did not discourage Bezos; instead, they further solidified his vision for developing the third-party seller business.

Bezos has repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to endure short-term losses for the sake of adhering to high-risk decisions, as he firmly believes that these decisions will ultimately bring long-term gains to his company. Amazon Web Services and Amazon Kindle are prime examples of his perseverance in the face of immense pressure and his ultimate success.

Once we have a clear goal in mind, we must seek the most suitable path. If a certain approach proves effective, we should persist in pursuing it. However, if a particular method fails to achieve the desired results, we must be ready to make timely adjustments.

