【商業智慧】Sam Altman:「一開始看似糟糕的主意往往都是最好的。」 “The best ideas often look terrible at the beginning” said Sam Altman

【商業智慧】Sam Altman:「一開始看似糟糕的主意往往都是最好的。」 “The best ideas often look terrible at the beginning” said Sam Altman

Sam Altman:「一開始看似糟糕的主意往往都是最好的。那些一開始聽起來就很好的想法,早就已經有太多人在研究了。」

Sam Altman對發展初創公司頗有心得。他曾向有抱負的創業者建議,好的創業想法往往在剛開始時都被認為是壞主意。直至在初創公司規模變得成熟之前,普羅大眾都無法意識到這些創新想法背後的潛力。但正因為這些主意看似不可取,所以才不會被其他人竊取。

Sam Altman在成立OpenAI之前,他曾經是初創加速器Y Combinator總裁。在矽谷,Y Combinator被喻為「創業者的搖籃」。Sam Altman在掌管Y Combinator期間,見證了無數個起初看似無厘頭的創業想法逐漸演變成成功的企業,並成功孕育了Airbnb, Dropbox, Zenefits and Stripe等知名公司。這些公司在創立初期皆面臨許多外界的質疑和挑戰。但透過堅持,這些公司的創辦人都成功以曾經不被看好的想法改變整個行業。


"The best ideas often look terrible at the beginning; if they sounded really good, there would be too many people working on them." – Sam Altman

Sam Altman knows a thing or two about developing startup companies. He advises aspiring founders that good startup ideas often appear to be bad ideas for a while. The upside to this is that these ideas are less likely to be stolen, as the general public won't recognize their potential until the startup becomes more established.

Before founding OpenAI, Sam Altman was the president of the startup accelerator Y Combinator. In his role at Y Combinator, he witnessed and nurtured countless seemingly "awful" startup ideas gradually evolve into successful businesses such as Airbnb, Dropbox, Zenefits, and Stripe.These well-known companies faced doubts and challenges in their early stages, but through perseverance and dedication, they transformed their once-unconventional ideas into industry-changing businesses.

It's essential to maintain an open mind and be willing to explore unorthodox or "terrible" ideas. Doing so can lead to significant breakthroughs or success in the long run. So, the next time you come across an idea that seems odd or risky, don't dismiss it outright. Instead, consider the potential behind it and. The best ideas often look terrible at the beginning, and embracing them might just lead you to groundbreaking success.

