【求職秘笈】研究:約三分之一求職者在履歷查核階段被淘汰 Study suggests about one-third of job seekers are eliminated during the reference check stage

【求職秘笈】研究:約三分之一求職者在履歷查核階段被淘汰 Study suggests about one-third of job seekers are eliminated during the reference check stage

職場競爭激烈,Reference Check(履歷查核)成為決定求職者命運的關鍵環節。根據全球獵頭公司Accountemps的調查,約三分之一求職者在履歷查核階段被淘汰,這凸顯Reference Check在求職過程中的重要性。然而,許多求職者輕視這環節,有時甚至提供虛假的推薦人名單,結果不僅無助於求職成功,反而可能錯失良機。

Reference Check是什麼?簡單來說就是僱主向求職者以往的合作夥伴或上司進行詢問,以核實求職者所提供的資料及工作表現是否真實。特別是對於管理層、財務人員或處理敏感資訊的員工,進行細致的履歷查核更是不可或缺。

在Reference Check過程中,僱主通常會接觸2至3位由求職者推薦的聯絡人,可能包括前公司的人資部門、直屬上司、同事、下屬或過去合作的客戶。僱主會透過這些聯絡人來了解求職者的工作能力、專業知識以及處理工作中挑戰的方式。

Reference Check中常見的問題可分為三大類:

  1. 確認基本事實:如公司名稱、職稱、工作時間、薪資及離職原因等。
  2. 評估工作表現和專業技能:如工作內容、專長領域的表現、對公司的貢獻、改進空間等。
  3. 了解人際互動和倫理風評:包括合作風格、共事的便利性與困難、是否曾引發道德爭議等。


Reference Check是求職過程中一個關鍵且不能忽視的環節。求職者應該提供真實且可靠的推薦人,以展現其誠信和專業,從而在激烈的職場競爭中脫穎而出。

In the competitive job market, Reference Checks (resume verification) have become a critical step in determining a job seeker's fate. According to a survey by the global recruitment firm Accountemps, about one-third of job seekers are eliminated during the reference check stage, highlighting the importance of Reference Checks in the job-seeking process. However, many job seekers do not pay enough attention to this step, and sometimes even provide a list of false referees, which not only does not help in securing a job but may also result in missing good opportunities.

What is a Reference Check? Simply put, it is when an employer inquires with the job seeker's former colleagues or bosses to verify the accuracy of the information and work performance provided by the job seeker. Especially for management positions, financial staff, or employees handling sensitive information, meticulous resume verification is indispensable.

During the Reference Check process, employers usually contact 2 to 3 referees recommended by the job seeker, which may include the HR department of the previous company, direct supervisors, colleagues, subordinates or previous clients. Employers will use these contacts to understand the job seeker's work abilities, professional knowledge, and how they handle challenges at work.

Common questions in Reference Checks can be divided into three categories:

  1. Confirming basic facts: such as company name, job title, working hours, salary, and reasons for leaving, etc.
  2. Assessing work performance and professional skills: such as job content, performance in areas of expertise, contributions to the company, areas for improvement, etc.
  3. Understanding interpersonal interactions and ethical reputation: including cooperation style, ease and difficulties in working together, and any ethical controversies that may have arisen.

When a new employer requests references, it is advisable to consider the direct supervisor from the last job first, as they are most familiar with the job seeker's work performance and handling style. Also, obtaining endorsement from well-known figures in the industry can significantly help in increasing the chances of job-seeking success.

Reference Check is a key and indispensable part of the job-seeking process. Job seekers should provide truthful and reliable referees to demonstrate their integrity and professionalism, thereby standing out in the competitive job market.

