【職場新氣象】調查:近半受訪Z世代偏好AI的職業建議,而非上司指導 Survey: Nearly Half of Gen Z Prefers AI Career Advice Over Managerial Guidance

【職場新氣象】調查:近半受訪Z世代偏好AI的職業建議,而非上司指導 Survey: Nearly Half of Gen Z Prefers AI Career Advice Over Managerial Guidance

Z世代員工在職業發展的道路上,面臨著前所未有的挑戰與機遇。研究機構Workplace Intelligence及職業發展與再就業公司INTOO聯合進行的調查顯示,近半數(47%)Z世代員工更傾向從ChatGPT等人工智能工具獲得職業建議,而非直接向上司尋求指導。

Workplace Intelligence與INTOO共同執行的調查分析了1600名全職員工的職業進展體驗,其中18%為Z世代。調查指出,超過六成(62%)受訪Z世代員工渴希望與上司有更多探討職業發展的機會,但上司往往因為忙碌而無法滿足這需求。此外,44%受訪Z世代員工感到職位成長空間有限,加劇了對未來不安與對工作環境失望。許多Z世代員工感到在現有的角色中難以實現個人成長,且約4成人因差勁的職業建議而遭受心理健康的困擾。




In the journey of career development, Gen Z employees face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. A joint survey by Workplace Intelligence and INTOO shows that nearly half (47%) of Gen Z workers prefer to receive career advice from AI tools like ChatGPT rather than seeking direct guidance from their managers.

The survey, conducted by thought leadership and research agency, Workplace Intelligence and Career Development & Outplacement Company, INTOO, analyzed the career progression experiences of 1,600 fulltime employees, 18% of whom belong to Gen Z. The findings reveal that over sixty percent (62%) of surveyed Gen Z employees desire more opportunities to discuss career development with their managers, but often these needs are unmet due to managerial busyness. Additionally, 44% of surveyed Gen Z workers feel limited growth opportunities in their current positions, exacerbating their unease about the future and disillusionment with their work environment. Many Gen Z employees feel unable to achieve personal growth in their current roles, and about 40% suffer from mental health issues due to poor career advice.

Gen Z values not only compensation but also opportunities for career development, mental health support, and a balance between work and personal growth. For employers, creating a supportive work environment that offers continuous learning and development opportunities has become more crucial than ever.

When these young professionals feel valued, their job satisfaction and motivation significantly increase. Conversely, neglecting these needs could lead to higher turnover among Gen Z workers. When Gen Z employees believe that their company is willing to invest in their growth, it not only helps retain talent but also cultivates more innovative and loyal employees. Gen Z is also likely to share their experiences with others, positively or negatively affecting the company's brand.

Facing the unstoppable force of Gen Z, companies must rethink how to better support their growth and development. Supporting and assisting the career development of young employees is not only an investment in their individual futures but also in the future success of the business. By creating a more inclusive and communicative work environment, we can unleash the potential of Gen Z, driving both corporate and societal progress.

