【職場新氣象】研究:逾7成Z世代員工會因缺乏定期反饋而選擇離職 Study: Over 70% of Gen Z Employees Would Leave Their Jobs Due to Lack of Regular Feedback

【職場新氣象】研究:逾7成Z世代員工會因缺乏定期反饋而選擇離職 Study: Over 70% of Gen Z Employees Would Leave Their Jobs Due to Lack of Regular Feedback


根據求職平台Monster的職業專家Vicki Salemi,積極獲取反饋是職業發展的重要一環。Salemi指出,積極的反饋不僅有助於新員工了解自己的工作表現,同時也是職業成長的重要推動力。員工不應僅等待上司主動,自己也應該積極尋求反饋,以促進個人與職業的發展。通過深入理解反饋,並主動運用相關資源,員工能夠更加投入於自己的職業成長。


  1. 制訂反饋方式:定期進行會議(每週、每月或每季度)及設定反饋的形式(即時或定期會議),只要溝通清晰,便有助確保互相理解。
  2. 會議前準備議題:在反饋會議前,準備具體的問題或討論點,例如對特定項目或技能發展的評估。具體的問題有助引導對話,確保反饋具針對性和建設性。積極面對負面反饋,將其視為成長和改進的機會。
  3. 保持客觀心態:接收反饋時,避免將批評個人化,保持客觀和開放的心態至關重要。重要的是從反饋中學習並應用於職業成長,而不是對批評感到沮喪。即使是負面反饋,也應視為改善和成長的機會。


According to a survey by StaffCircle, a platform for employee performance development, over 70% of Generation Z employees would choose to leave their jobs due to a lack of regular feedback from management. For young professionals of Generation Z, receiving regular feedback from their superiors is not just a desire but a necessity for their career development.

Vicki Salemi, a career expert from the job platform Monster, emphasizes that actively seeking feedback is a vital part of professional growth. Salemi notes that positive feedback not only helps new employees understand their job performance but also serves as a crucial driver of career advancement. Employees should not just wait for their superiors to initiate; they should also actively seek feedback to foster personal and professional development. By deeply understanding feedback and proactively utilizing related resources, employees can be more engaged in their career growth.

Here are three practical suggestions for conducting effective feedback meetings:

  1. Establish a feedback method: Regular meetings (weekly, monthly, or quarterly) and setting a format for feedback (instant or periodic meetings) are essential. As long as communication is clear, this helps ensure mutual understanding.
  2. Prepare topics before the meeting: Before a feedback meeting, prepare specific questions or discussion points, such as assessments of specific projects or skills development. Concrete questions help guide the conversation to ensure targeted and constructive feedback. Approach negative feedback positively, seeing it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
  3. Maintain an objective mindset: When receiving feedback, it's crucial to avoid personalizing criticism and to stay objective and open-minded. The key is to learn from feedback and apply it to career growth, rather than feeling discouraged by criticism. Even negative feedback should be seen as an opportunity for improvement and growth.

These strategies are not only applicable to Generation Z employees but are also relevant for all workers in the rapidly changing workplace environment, encouraging continuous progress. Effective communication and regular feedback are key to career growth. Salemi reminds that communication with superiors should not be limited to regular meetings but should be an ongoing process. Both employees and employers should value timely and effective communication, as it not only aids in personal development but is also crucial in building a positive, supportive work culture.

