【行業數據】你聽過Career buffering嗎?調查:逾7成專業人士正這樣做! Have you heard of "Career buffering"? Survey suggests over 70% of professionals are doing it!

【行業數據】你聽過Career buffering嗎?調查:逾7成專業人士正這樣做! Have you heard of "Career buffering"? Survey suggests over 70% of professionals are doing it!

在經濟的大環境下,不確定性是所有專業人士的心頭大患。專業人才招聘顧問公司Robert Walters的調查數據顯示,近四分之三(74%)的專業人士正積極為尋找新工作做準備,這就是所謂的「職涯緩衝」(Career buffering)。「職涯緩衝」是指積極主動地考慮職業前景,以「緩衝」現職可能會出現的任何問題。

最近一項調查訪問了香港的專業人士在經濟不穩時的職業規劃,近四分之三(74%)的專業人士承認正在積極「準備尋找另一份工作」。68%受訪者因宏觀經濟的形勢轉變和工作不穩定而選擇「職涯緩衝」 。另外,內部變動(29%)、缺乏工作保障(22%)以及不穩定的經濟情況(17%)也是原因之一。


Robert Walters香港董事總經理 John Mulally 表示:「有見於近期就業市場放緩,員工正採取措施保障自己事業發展的長遠利益和賺取收入的能力,通常會主動,或至少被動地尋找市場機會。」

另外,該調查顯示,28%專業人士有從事副業,以擴展技能和增加收入來源。John 補充說:「不少人投入更多時間發展副業,即使現職受影響也能維持收入。這現象是來自他們對中短期未來的不確定性,不單是對他們的現職公司,而是對整個香港就業市場也是如此。」

In the midst of economic uncertainty, professionals across the board are grappling with uncertainty. Survey data from Robert Walters Hong Kong, a professional talent recruitment consulting firm, indicates that nearly three-quarters (74%) of professionals are actively getting ready to explore new job opportunities, a phenomenon known as "career buffering." This term refers to proactively considering career prospects as a buffer against any potential issues in one's current job.

A recent survey conducted among professionals in Hong Kong about their career plans during economic instability revealed that 74% of respondents acknowledged actively "preparing to find another job." 68% of the participants chose to engage in "career buffering" due to shifts in the macroeconomic landscape and job instability. Additionally, internal changes (29%), lack of job security (22%), and an unstable economy (17%) were also contributing factors.

When asked how employees are engaging in "career buffering," job applications (67%) and closely monitoring the job market (61%) took the lead. However, this doesn't necessarily equate to job switching. Over 40% of professionals, after exploring the market, realized the value of their current employers, and 10% even discovered that their salaries exceeded the market average.

John Mulally, Managing Director of Robert Walters Hong Kong, stated, "Given the recent slowdown in the job market, employees are taking measures to safeguard their long-term career interests and income-earning capabilities. They're usually being proactive, or at the very least, reactively seeking market opportunities."

Furthermore, the survey revealed that 28% of professionals are engaged in side jobs to expand their skills and income sources. John added, "Many individuals are dedicating more time to developing side businesses, allowing them to sustain income even if their current positions are affected. This trend stems from the uncertainty they perceive in the mid-term future, not only for their current employers but for the entire Hong Kong job market."

