【行業數據】投行員工睡眠時間排行榜:JPMorgan員工睡眠時間最長 Investment Bank Employees Sleep Duration Rankings: JPMorgan Employees Sleep the Longest

【行業數據】投行員工睡眠時間排行榜:JPMorgan員工睡眠時間最長 Investment Bank Employees Sleep Duration Rankings: JPMorgan Employees Sleep the Longest

在金融業界,工作壓力大、身心俱疲是常見的現象。根據eFinancialCareers的生活方式調查顯示,金融從業者普遍睡眠不足,平均每晚只有6.72小時。美國Mayo Clinic的埃Eric J. Olson醫生指出,成年人每晚睡眠不足七小時會增加患上多種疾病的風險,包括體重增加、高血壓、心臟病及抑鬱等。






In the finance industry, high stress and physical and mental fatigue are common. According to the eFinancialCareers’ latest lifestyle survey, financial practitioners generally lack sleep, averaging only 6.72 hours per night. Dr. Eric J. Olson from the Mayo Clinic points out that adults who sleep less than seven hours a night are at increased risk of multiple diseases, including weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression.

The survey covered multiple countries and regions, including Canada, Europe, and Singapore. However, without exception, all interviewed bankers averaged less than seven hours of sleep. Among the major banks, JPMorgan employees performed better, averaging 7.2 hours of sleep each night, surpassing their major competitors.

Investment Bank Employees Sleep Duration Rankings
Investment Bank Employees Sleep Duration Rankings

Most professionals in the financial services industry wish they could sleep more, with most desiring eight hours of sleep. However, Deutsche Bank employees showed the lowest expectations for sleep, averaging the shortest sleep duration, with relatively low desired sleep times.

However, UBS employees have much higher sleep needs than others, with an average desired sleep time of nearly nine hours. In reality, they only manage to sleep about six and a half hours each night, which leaves them particularly dissatisfied with their sleep conditions.

For professionals pursuing career development, choosing a workplace that supports a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly important. As the concept of work-life balance gains more attention, the banking sector may need to rethink how to create a healthier, more sustainable work environment for their employees.

