【行業數據】調查:逾7成受訪經理認為Z世代員工難以相處 Survey suggests over 70% managers believe GenZ is more difficult to work

【行業數據】調查:逾7成受訪經理認為Z世代員工難以相處 Survey suggests over 70% managers believe GenZ is more difficult to work

各位身為經理的你,是否覺得與Z世代員工合作具有挑戰性?如果同意,其實你並不孤單。根據Resume Builder最新調查顯示,74%受訪經理認為,Z世代的員工較難相處,當中12%的受訪經理甚至解僱過入職只有一周的Z世代員工。

調查亦指,在1,000位認為Z世代難以相處的經理中,近60%曾經解僱至少一名Z世代員工,其中20%更僅僅入職一周。Z世代員工遭炒魷的原因眾多,包括缺乏科技技能 (39%) 、努力 (37%) 、動力 (37%) 和生產力 (37%) ,有經理則認為年輕員工容易分心 (36%) 和容易感到被冒犯 (35%) 。

Resume Builder首席職業顧問Stacie Haller表示,疫情和遠程教學進一步加劇了員工溝通和工作風格等方面的挑戰。她指出:「我們明白遠程工作和教學,導致新一代無法建立良好的溝通技能,而且他們都傾向於獨立地完成工作。因此,招聘經理在聘請Z世代員工時需要注意這一點,同時Z時代員工則需要更多專業的培訓。」

不過,Z世代員工的表現和能力並非完全負面。他們可以提供創新的想法,挑戰公司面對的現狀。儘管Z世代員工可能不喜歡面對面交流,但他們擅長使用數碼通訊工具。頭髮修補服務供應商Hairbro的市場總監Adam Garfield建議,發展Z世代的溝通技能,有助他們與同事和客戶建立更緊密的關係。

Attention all managers! Are you finding it challenging to work with Gen Z employees? You're not alone. According to a recent survey conducted by ResumeBuilder, 74% of managers find Gen Z workers more difficult to work with than other generations. Of those managers, 12% have even had to terminate a young worker within their first week on the job. 

The survey found that just under 60% of 1,000 managers who found Gen Z difficult have had to fire at least one Gen Z employee, with 20% being within their first week. The managers cited a variety of reasons for their disinterest in working with Gen Z, ranging from a lack of technological skills (39%), effort (37%), motivation (37%) and productivity (37%) to how they believe young workers are easily distracted (36%) and are easily offended (35%).

ResumeBuilder's chief career advisor Stacie Haller said the pandemic and remote education has further exacerbated challenges around areas like communication and work style. She said “We know that with remote work and education, communication skills do not develop as well and people tend to work more independently. Hiring managers need to be cognizant of this when interviewing GenZers for positions. This generation may need more training when it comes to professional skills.”

However, it's not all negative. Gen Z employees can bring innovative ideas to the table and challenge the status quo. They are proficient in using digital communication tools, although they may struggle with face-to-face interactions. Adam Garfield, the marketing director at Hairbro, which offers hair replacement services,suggests developing communication skills could help Gen Z build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients.

